
Present your research

Poster Session at IK
Poster Session at IK. Photo by Sascha Schleef. All rights reserved.

You are working on an exciting project? You have some initial ideas for your PhD? Your research project just led to new insights, which you would like to share and discuss? You have very deep knowledge in a specific method that could be interesting to the IK audience?

IK is the place where you can share your ideas, data, thoughts, and results on scientific questions with a broad audience from multiple disciplines. You can submit your work in 3 different categories:

  • Poster and Demo Session
  • Research Spotlight Talk
  • Featured Lecture

Some universities support their researchers via covering (parts) of the IK participation fee for university members who actively contribute e.g., by submitting a poster.

Poster and Demo Session (A1 poster and short 1 min poster pitch)

One full evening of the IK is reserved for the poster session. All poster presenters, together with the participants and lecturers, gather in our poster area. Here, the poster presenters have the whole evening to explain their work to the interested audience. During that evening, we have vivid discussions among participants and lecturers, which often lead to new ideas and solutions. 

Submit your abstract for a poster to our poster submission form until February 09 February 14.  We will then review your proposals and let you know whether your contribution will be accepted for presentation at IK. Each accepted submission is presented on a printed A1 poster which is brought to IK by the poster presenter. 

Research Spotlight Talks (10 min talk + 5 min discussion)

Do you prefer to share your work in a more concise format? Apply for a research spotlight talk and seize the opportunity to give a short talk in front of our multidisciplinary audience. The spotlight talk offers you 10 minutes to showcase your work, followed by a lively 5-minute discussion session. Use this chance to bring attention to the core of your work – or to one of your burning questions – and to practice giving talks in front of a scientific audience.

Submit your abstract for a spotlight to our spotlight submission form until February 09 February 14

You have done some more advanced research in your field? Do you have have in-depth knowledge on a specific method or an area that is beneficial to the IK audience? Apply to present your work in a featured lecture! This format has the clear target to provide in-depth knowledge in a specific field or on a specific method to the IK audience, going beyond the presentation of solely your own work. For example, if you are deep in your PhD or just about to start your scientific career in your post doc phase, the featured lecture might help you in gaining experience in providing lectures to an attentive audience. Selection criteria are the technical soundness of your abstract and the overall interest of the topic to the IK audience.

Submit your abstract for a poster to our featured lecture submission form until February 09 February 14

Blackboard drawing at IK. Photo by Sascha Schleef. All rights reserved.

Call for Sunshines

Sunshines are volunteers who assist one particular lecturer by preparing the room, providing  technical equipment, and being present during the lecture for troubleshooting. Often the role of a sunshine does not involve a lot of work, but you must be available if the lecturer needs your assistance. We will provide more details shortly before the event by email and at the site.

If you wish to be a sunshine, please indicate so in your registration and let us know the lecturer you would like to assist.

In case you have any questions, please contact us (

Call for Moonlights

Moonlights are volunteers who offer to support participants in navigating the IK. As a Moonlight at IK 2025 you will:

  • assist participants navigating IK by providing a guided tour of the venue.
  • together with another experienced member, moderate one of the IK interaction groups on Friday evening. (you will get a briefing that you can follow)

Therefore should:

  • have participated at IK before
  • be familiar with the IK code of conduct
  • have an interest for including a wide diversity of people at IK

If you are interested in being a Moonlight, please indicate so in your registration form.

In case you have any question, please contact us (