Beyond the normal use of your senses, what else is possible? There have been different approaches to augment your senses. Here you will learn and experience more about space perception. How do you perceive space? What is space perception, and can it be changed? People’s experiences and skills vary greatly on how easily they can orient themselves in unknown environments. What happens if you always knew where north is, as well? You can try it with the feelSpace belt, which always points towards north via vibration. You will perform your own little experiments to aim for a new perception of space.
Throughout the course and the whole IK it will be possible to lend out compass belts.
Spacial perception can also be augmented through sound, e.g. as known from bats through echolocation. Also humans are capable of using echoes to learn a lot about their environment which has proven to be a helpful orientation skill for many blind people. But how do blind people learn to use echolocation? And can sighted people learn to use echolocation? We will present you the basics of how it is instructed. You will learn that you can hear more than you might guess.
1. Session: Introduction
You will learn what sensory substitution and augmentation is and what is currently done to enable the use of information via unusual paths. We will present some examples and introduce to you the compass belt from feelSpace and the research behind it that proves how using this tool can help to gain a new sense of space. We will try out the compass belt and do some small experiments to experience the new “north-sense”.
2. Session: From research to startup: feelSpace
You will learn more about the story of feelSpace, the startup that develops tactile belts to make navigation easy for everyone. In groups you will develop your own ideas on using the presented technology and plan little experiments that you conduct in this session and throughout the course.
3. Session: Echolocation
Some blind people use echolocation to “see” their environment. How do they do it and what is possible with this method? In this session we teach you the basics and we will do some practical exercises to show you how you can “sense” the space around you. This session can be visited independently to the others.
4. Session: Finalizing and presenting your sensory augmentation experiments
You have time to rap up your results and short presentations and present them to the group. We will discuss your ideas and approaches and finish with a feedback round to discuss the experiences of the course participants with the compass belt and the entrepreneurial approach.
Julia Wache studied Cognitive Science in Vienna and Potsdam. She finished her PhD in Trento working on the Emotion Recognition via physiological signals and mental effort in the context of using a tactile belt for orientation. In parallel she participated in the EIT Digital doctoral program to learn entrepreneurial skills. In 2016 she joined the feelSpace GmbH that develops and sells naviBelts, tactile navigation devices especially designed for the visually impaired.
Affiliation: feelSpace
Lio Franz studied Linguistics and Computer Science at the University of Bielefeld and graduated M.A. in Linguistics, while also teaching new students the ropes of their field. During the pandemic they worked at the health office, learning much about the processes and bureaucracy around health administration and surveillance. Since 2023 they are part of the feelSpace GmbH team, supporting their endeavor to enable a greater accessibility via sensory augmentation through the naviBelt; which can be used as training for a more accurate sense of space, and guide our customers as a navigation tool of independence.
Affiliation: feelSpace