Lecture Series 5 – Network analysis in psychology

Lecturer: Laura Bringmann
Fields: Psychology/Statistics



This course consists of two hours.

The first hour (Tuesday) will be a lecture on psychological networks. In the psychological network approach, mental disorders such as major depressive disorder are conceptualized as networks. The network approach thereby focuses on the symptom structure or the connections between symptoms instead of the severity (i.e., mean level) of a symptom. Time-series are needed to map network theory to network models in clinical practice, and currently, vector autoregressive models are represented as psychological networks. In this talk, I will discuss the reliability and validity of these psychological networks and their usefulness (or not) for clinical practice.

In the second meeting (Thursday), we will discuss this assignment that you will have made beforehand. It will involve theoretical questions, and also technical questions in R for those who are interested in more technical aspects of the models.



Laura Bringmann

Dr. Laura Bringmann is an assistant professor at the Psychometrics and Statistics department of the University of Groningen. She studied at the University of Amsterdam, receiving a bachelor’s degree in clinical neuropsychology, a bachelor’s degree in philosophy, and a master’s degree in psychological methods. She also has a master’s degree in clinical neuroscience from Ruhr University Bochum. In October 2016, she defended her PhD thesis at KU Leuven, Belgium, supervised by Francis Tuerlinckx and Denny Borsboom. Her main interests are time series analyses, dynamical networks, ESM in clinical practice, and philosophy of psychology. She is a part of The Interdisciplinary Center Psychopathology and Emotion regulation (ICPE) and the Young Academy Groningen (from September 2018-2023).

Affiliation: University of Groningen
Homepage: https://www.laurabringmannlab.com/