PC3 – Mind, Body, Things, Dreams – Dynamics of Self-Experience

Lecturer: Annekatrin Vetter, Katharina Krämer, and Sophia Reul
Fields: Psychology, Psychotherapy


This course is intended for all participants, who are curious about perceiving different aspects of their mind, their body, things that surround us, and dreams. During the course we will focus on the broad field of self-experience. We are working with techniques from the fields of self-awareness, mindfulness, body perception, biography reflection, interpersonal and intrapersonal communication and different schools of psychotherapy.

Every session will have a different theme. Sessions 1 will be about self-experience of the mind, session 3 will be about self-experience of the body, and session 4 will be about self-experience and things. Session 2 will be about experiencing dreams. During this session we will use a special technique called “social dreaming”. For this session there will be a short introduction on the evening before the session. You are welcome to join us for just one session or to join us for up to four sessions and experience exercises with different foci. Previous knowledge is not necessary for this course, just bring an open and curious mind.


Annekatrin Vetter is a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist and psychoanalyst. She is doing analytic and psychotherapeutic outpatient treatment in private practice in Cologne. Moreover, she works as a lecturer for clinical psychology at the Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln and as a trainer for coaches. Besides that, she currently works on a research project about treatment integrity in Mentalization based group therapy.

Prof. Dr. Katharina Krämer is a psychologist and psychoanalytic psychotherapist. She works as a professor for psychology at the Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln, Germany, and as a psychotherapist in private practice. In 2014, Katharina Krämer received her doctoral degree from the University of Cologne, Germany, on a thesis investigating the perception of dynamic nonverbal cues in cross-cultural psychology and high-functioning autism. She works with patients with different mental disorders, focusing on adult patients with autism. Her research interests include the application of Mentalization-Based Group-Therapy with patients with autism and the vocational integration of patients with autism.

Affiliation: Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln, University of Applied Sciences
Homepage: https://www.rfh-koeln.de/studium/studiengaenge/wirtschaft-recht/wirtschaftspsychologie/dozenteninnen/katharina_kraemer/index_ger.html

Dr. Sophia Reul is a psychologist and psychoanalytic psychotherapist. She works as a clinical psychologist at a psychiatric hospital Evangelisches Krankenhaus Bergisch Gladbach, Germany), and as a psychotherapist in private practice. She works with patients with different mental disorders. In 2020, Sophia Reul received her doctoral degree from the Westfälische Wilhelms-University Münster, Germany, on a thesis investigating the efficiency of neuropsychological diagnostic for early neurodegenerative diseases. Her research interests include the application of Mentalization-Based Group-Therapy with patients with autism.

Affiliation: Evangelisches Krankenhaus Bergisch Gladbach